A few months ago I picked up a job lot of 20 miniatures described as 'Citadel historical' from Gumtree. I don't have many humans, and figured a bit of diversity would be useful. Plus I have an Empire Volley Gun from back in the day that I plan to paint up one day, and a small detachment of troops to accompany it would be good.
Turns out they weren't Citadel, but a mixed bag of Marauder,
Harlequin and a few unknowns.Most of them are quite nice, though, especially the handful of
MM62 citizens from Marauder, which I think have loads of character. In keeping with my recent philosophy of keeping it simple, I've painted up a few...
Keep it simple... |
The halberdiers are from Harlequin, and being largely armour were quite quick to do - two sessions which is good going for me! I used the black-undercoat-white-drybrush technique, but with a heavier drybrush. Base coast, then wash with a deeper shade (not Nuln Oil, as I did for the Heroquest project). I highlighted the faces for a bit of practice, drubrushed the metal bits and voila.
The other two models have a very grizzled old veteran feel to them, so I tried to get an appropriate look - a bit shabby; the sort of characters who have been on many a campaign but are seeing out their days as watchmen in a provincial town.
I'm keeping my eye out for any more MM62s, as I like the idea of having some non-combatants for any games I might play in the future, plus they're a fun range!
Next up on the painting table is a couple of elves, and then I think I may tackle a wee beastie...